The Truth about Gavin Greenway
Gavin Greenway is an STR who sold his house in Leigh-On-Sea in Essex (Near Southend) in 2003 and is one of the people closely associated with the property website and on the forum at that website he whinges and moans about high house prices and gets all excited when he hears some bad news about the economy which he hopes will cause house prices to crash. |
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Gavin Greenway gambled his house on a property crash occurring soon after selling his house but unfortunately for him things have not turned out the way he had expected and the property boom has continued for much longer than he had anticipated and now he finds himself having to suffer the stigma and humiliation of living in rented accommodation for much longer than he realised, paying dead money in rent which is helping to pay off his landlord's mortgage whilst all the time the value of his STR fund money he made in selling his house is continually being eroded away by inflation. |
Gavin Greenway was laughing and cocky when he cashed in on the property boom and sold his house but he is not laughing anymore and instead he is laughing out of the other side of his face because he assumed that a property crash would happen soon after he sold his property but a property crash remains as elusive as ever and he has locked himself out of the property market forever. |
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Gavin Greenway let greed cloud his judgement in having sold his property based on the assumption that house prices would crash soon after he sold his property which would enable him to get back onto the property ladder and buy a property on the cheap in a crash but it hasn't quite worked out that way since the housing boom has continued for much longer than he had expected and as a consequence he will continue paying dead money in rent for much longer than he had anticipated.
Gavin Greenway seriously miscalculated in assuming that he could get back onto the property ladder quickly and his decision to sell-to-rent is costing him dear because whilst he is waiting for the crash he is continually paying dead money in rent which is helping to pay off his landlord's mortgage while the value of his STR fund money is continually being eroded away by inflation.
The longer the current housing boom continues the further it will delay when the next housing boom will take place which will make the plight of Gavin Greenway worse since he will have to wait longer for when it becomes a good time to buy property just as house prices start to rise as the economy emerges from the next recession and enters another economic boom.
Gavin Greenway's gamble in selling their property has proved to be a very costly mistake and he must be getting increasingly fed up of paying dead money in rent.
Gavin Greenway could not foresee that London would win the bid to host the Olympics in 2012 and he must now be kicking himself for having sold too early and missed out on the additional boost to house prices that will be created by the Olympics.
There is little point in Gaving Greenway waiting for a property crash to occur in order to buy property because there is unlikely to be another house price boom for at least twenty years which means that he will be buying an asset that won't be appreciating in value for twenty years.
Gavin Greenway will have to wait twenty years before it becomes a good time to buy property by which time the value of his STR fund money will have been eroded by inflation to such an extent that it will end up being worthless.
Gavin Greenway is in a desperate race against time to try to reinvest his STR fund money back into property before his STR fund money becomes worthless because of rising inflation. Low interest rates means that the Gavin Greenway is earning a pathetically small amount of interest by keeping his STR fund money in a bank account which at best is just barely keeping up with inflation.
Gavin Greenway is a bitter and twisted STR who is frustrated at seeing no sign of a property crash occurring. He bitterly regrets selling his property too early and is kicking himself for having missed out on spectacular rises in house prices.
Gavin Greenway will find it very difficult to get back onto the property ladder in the future. House prices are unlikely to fall by more than 20% from the peak which means that it will barely cover his transaction costs if he decides to re-enter the property market.
Gavin Greenway gambled his house on a quick crash occurring but the crash is not likely to start until after the London Olympics in 2012 which is five long years away and even when the crash does start he will have to wait a further ten years before the trough in house prices has been reached and even then it won't be a good time to buy property because it will take a further five years before another housing boom begins which means that he will be waiting twenty years before it becomes a good time to buy a property.
Gavin Greenway was cocky when he sold his property but he is not so cocky now!
Gavin Greenway is looking for a free ride off other people's backs
Gavin Greenway continually whinges and complains about high house prices but that did not stop him from taking advantage of high house prices and selling his property at a ridiculously high price to some poor naive and gullible buyer, knowing full well that the buyer was being ripped off. Gavin Greenway is looking for a free ride off other peoples backs and somehow thinks that the World owes him a house.
What disgusts me is that Gavin Greenway can visit internet chat forums and spam his drivel about house prices and expect a house on the cheap. Gavin Greenway wants something for nothing but what he should realize is that he will have to pay the high prices to own a property just like everybody else and he should stop thinking of himself as something special because he is not.
Gavin Greenway is just a good-for-nothing lazy piece of garbage who is paying the price for his greed and stupidity in selling his property too early and is finding himself renting for much longer than he had expected. He thought he was clever in selling his property for a profit but there is a difference between being clever and being wise. He may be clever but he is certainly not wise. In the long-term Gavin Greenway's decision to sell his house and move into rented accommodation will prove to be a costly mistake which he will regret for a very long time.
Gavin Greenway just can't understand what is keeping the housing boom going and he made the miscalculation of selling too early and has missed out on some truly spectacular capital gains since selling his property.
Gavin Greenway is just too stubborn to accept that high house prices are here to stay and wants a house on the cheap by taking advantage of other peoples' misfortune but he is finding that it is he who is the unfortunate one who once was privileged to own a home but due to greed and stupidity he threw it all away in a speculative venture that has now turned very sour.
Gavin Greenway is desperately clutching at straws in arguing for a property crash
Gaving Greenway takes the slightest bit of bad news and exaggerates it out of all proportion in his feeble and desperate attempt to come up with some trigger that will cause a property crash. Gavin Greenway is desperately clutching at straws in taking any negative news, no matter how trivial, to argue the case for a property crash.
Gavin Greenway has clearly lost the argument about property prices since a property crash shows no signs of occurring soon and Gavin Greenway cannot live with the fact that he made the worst decision of his life to sell-to-rent based on short term greed and he is bitterly regretting his decision to sell-to-rent and the only way that he can save face is by arguing that a property crash is imminent but he has been saying that a property crash is imminent for many years now and it still hasn't happened yet and will not happen for many years.
The continuing housing boom is making Gavin Greenway look increasingly foolish and he cannot bear to think that he made a serious error of judgement in selling-to-rent and he is becoming increasingly frustrated and disillusioned at seeing no sign of a property crash occurring and he has resorted to talking down the property market by coming up with the most feeble reasons, no matter how ridiculous they are, to deliberately spread rumours and start a panic about a market crash. Gavin Greenway has cried wolf far too often to be believed and his predictions about a crash occurring has been proved wrong so many times that he has lost all credibility and is laughed at and treated with contempt by many people.
Gavin Greenway claims that there are vested interests at work who are trying to talk up the property market and yet Gavin Greenway is not exactly free of vested interests himself because he has a vested interest in a property crash occurring so that he can buy a property on the cheap so that he can then sell the property at a much higher price in the next property boom.
Gavin Greenway is a two-faced hypocrite
Gavin Greenway moans and whinges about high house prices but that did not stop him from taking advantage of the property boom and selling his house for a high price to an over-stretched, naive and gullible buyer, knowing full well that the property he was selling was way over-priced and the buyer was being ripped off.
There is a strong whiff of hypocrisy from Gavin Greenway who says that house prices are too high and yet he was quite happy to sell his property at a high price when it suited his interests and as soon as he sold his property he starts to complain that property prices are too high. Gavin Greenway is just a two-faced hypocrite who would at one moment talk the property market up when he is trying to sell a property at a high price and make a significant profit and the next moment is quite prepared to talk down the property market soon after he sold his property when he wants to get back onto the property ladder.
Gavin Greenway wants to have it both ways, he wants house prices to be high when he is selling a property and he wants house prices to be low when he is trying to buy a property.
Gaving Greenway moans and whinges about high house prices but I don't remember hearing him complaining about high house prices before he sold his property in Leigh-On-Sea but only started whinging about it after he sold his property.
Gavin Greenway keeps talking about the virtues of renting out a property and says that paying rent is not dead money but if renting is such a great option why is it that he bought a property in the first place before he sold-to-rent. Could it be that the reason that he keeps going on about the benefits of living in rented accommodation is just because he happens to be living in rented accommodation himself.
When a property crash does finally occur you can be sure that Gavin Greenway will get straight back onto the property ladder and he won't be talking about the virtues of living in rented accommodation anymore and when house prices start to boom again in the next economic boom you can be sure that there will be a deafly silence from Gavin Greenway about rising property prices because he will be benefiting from it and when the day finally comes when he sells his property you can be sure that he will go back to whinging and moaning about high house prices again.
Gavin Greenway is just an amateur property speculator
Gavin Greenway is waiting for a property crash to occur in order to buy a property cheaply but even if a crash occurs this will not necessarily make it a good time to buy property because he will have to wait many years for the trough in house prices to be reached and even then it will not be a good time to buy property because the best time to buy property is when property prices start to rise again after the trough in house prices has been reached.
Gavin Greenway is clearly an amateur property speculator who thinks that he can make it as a serious property investor, but serious property investors know that timing is crucial and that there is no point in buying a property if it is not likely to appreciate in value for many years because it is just tying up money in an asset that is not rising in value to keep up with inflation which means that buying a property during a crash will end up losing money because the value of the property will be languishing whilst the value of the property will be continually being eroded away by inflation.
Gavin Greenway is completely clueless about the property market
Gavin Greenway is completely clueless about the property market and lacks the necessary knowledge and understanding about the economic cycle. Gavin Greenway is just fumbling around in the dark and doesn't have the foggiest idea what he is doing and he is facing many uncertainties about the property market.
Gavin Greenway doesn't have any idea what the trigger will be that will cause a property crash; he doesn't know when the crash will occur; by how much house prices will fall; and when the trough in house prices will be reached. What is even worse is that Gavin Greenway is hoping to buy a property on the cheap during a crash without knowing when the next housing boom is likely to occur and by how much house prices will rise in the next property boom.
Gavin Greenway thought that speculating on property was easy and arrogantly assumed that he can predict the property market but the property market has proved much more difficult to predict than he had expected.
Why is Gavin Greenway so bothered about the housing market?
What I find so strange and bizarre is why Gaving Greenway should take such an interest in what is happening in the housing market when he was quite happy to leave the housing market by selling his property. Surely if Gavin Greenway was happy exiting the property market then he should no longer be bothered or concerned by what is happening to house prices.
Gavin Greenway keeps going on about the virtues of living in rented accommodation and yet he is still bothered by what goes on in the housing market.
Gavin Greenway was quite happy to make loads of money by selling his property at a ridiculously high price to some gullible and naive buyer and in doing so ripping the buyer off, which kind of implies that Gavin Greenway should be happy to remain outside the property market because he made the decision to leave the property market in the first place.
However, Gavin Greenway in having left the property market still seems to be very much concerned about what is happening to house prices as if he is somehow interested in getting back onto the property ladder. It seems a bit hypocritical to me that Gavin Greenway should at one moment be quite happy to get off the property ladder for him to then be bothered about getting back onto the property ladder.
If Gavin Greenway was so bothered about getting on the housing ladder then he should not have got off the property ladder in the first place. Gavin Greenway seems to want it both ways. Gavin Greenway took advantage of high house prices when he sold his property and he now wants a property crash to occur in order to take advantage of low property prices by buying a property on the cheap from a poor distressed homeowner who is forced to sell at a low price because they cannot keep up with the mortgage interest payments.
Gavin Greenway chose to leave the housing market and as such should no longer be bothered by the housing market. Gavin Greenway decided that living in rented accommodation was the best option and so he should stick with this decision and not whinge and moan about high house prices because it kind of gives the impression that he wants to get back onto the property ladder.
Gavin Greenway should not expose himself to be the hypocrite that he is. He made his decision to move into rented accommodation and he should now be prepared to stay there and not whinge and moan about it.
Surely Gavin Greenway did not sell his property and move into rented accommodation on the assumption that he would only be living in rented accommodation for a short time, did he?
It is a bit rich of Gavin Greenway who profited so much from the property boom by selling a property at an extortionate price to some naive and gullible buyer to turn around and then denounce and criticise the housing boom.
The terrible price we all have to pay in order to enable Gavin Greenway to get back onto the property ladder
It is quite incredible to believe that we have to experience a terrible recession, causing misery to millions to people, just so that Gavin Greenway and his STR speculator friends at the website to get back onto the property ladder.
It is absolutely amazing that Gavin Greenway will wish to see an economic meltdown causing whole sections of the economy to be destroyed, resulting in many businesses being forced into bankruptcy and many people thrown out of work resulting in misery for millions of people just so as to enable some STR speculators like Gavin Greenway and his speculator friends at the website can buy a house on the cheap.
When the Government finally decides to bring the economic boom to an end and pulls down the economy and flattens it, causing house prices to crash, you know that the Government is doing it to enable Gavin Greenway and his speculator friends at the website to get back onto the property ladder and buy a property on the cheap so that they can then make money by selling the property at a much higher price during the next housing boom that will occur when the next economic boom takes place.
Whole sections of the UK economy will have to be sacrificed and destroyed just so as to enable Gavin Greenway and his STR speculator friends at the website to get back onto the property ladder.
The price that we all have to pay just so that Gavin Greenway and his STR speculator friends at the property website can get back onto the property ladder is a terrible recession, the severity of which will bring house prices down to a level where Gavin Greenway feels that it is a right time to buy a property just so that he can then sell the property for a much higher price and make a substantial profit in the next housing boom.
The true face of Gavin Greenway |
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Gavin Greenway in agony |
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I would like to make a skin suit out of Gavin Greenway
I would love to eat Gavin Greenway's liver
Death to Gavin Greenway
Death to Gavin Greenway
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Hell is where Gavin Greenway will be sent to endure a painful and humiliating torment and suffer Hellfire for eternity. Hell is a place of eternal damnation, an everlasting lake of fire, a fire that shall never be quenched. In Hell there is much screaming, moaning, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, a place of torment, an everlasting punishment for the sins committed in life. There are demons at work, torturing condemned souls, mutilating them, skinning them alive, pouring molten lead down the throats of the damned. The air is thick with the awful stench of burning souls. In Hell souls will burn forever. In Hell Gavin Greenway will endure terrible pain and will scream "why don't I die?" "when will this pain stop?" but he knows that it will never stop for Hell is a place of no rest and his suffering will last forever.